Who the heck is the person in that picture??? Can't place him anywhere? Let me help you out...imagine him with a beard and a baseball cap.
There you are...of course, it is our own "beloved" Himeshbhai (I know i dont live in Gujarat anymore, but old habits die hard). Its just that with the Ganesh Puja season back here, and Pune, with its omnipresent pandals (Pune averages one pandal every 100 meters of the so called roads), definitely doesn’t have much choice when it comes to music. As a result, some ol' feelings are rekindled and here I am, with another round of my PDA (Public display of "Affection", the latest acronym I have learned, thanks to TOI). Though Nikhil is the one who got me thinking on these lines…
What 'use' can we put Himesh reshammiya songs to?? These are what i came up with...
1. Nikhil asks: Got anything for a headache?
Vamsee Replies: Lots of Himesh songs...want me to share the folder over LAN?
2. You have recently launched a new brand of razor...u can use himesh's songs for "BEFORE" and Coffee-with-Karan clips for "AFTER".
3. Himesh Concerts on LOC & POK: No need of all those peace talks and Agra summits. One concert, and all the terrorists will vacate the place in no time. So what if the people also run away, all we want is the land and the flora/fauna, right?
4. Introducing a 4th degree of torture: Himesh songs...Sources reveal that Al Gharib is using them on prisoners and this has the human rights activists raising a lot of hue and cry.
5. Ganesh Mandal: You have ur exams going (exams happen almost all around the year now a days) and the Ganesh Mandal near your house is celebrating noisily with loudspeakers n all. Get back at them by secretly replacing their "Jai Ganesh Deva" CDs with Himesh CDs.
6. End of India's Olympic Medal Drought: We are the only country in the world who has Himesh. Let our scientists work on him and develop anti-Himesh vaccines for all our athletes. And then, play Himesh songs at full volume at the 2016 Delhi Olympic games...
7. Set it as hello tune for someone u "love", Airtel now gives u an option of caller specific hello tune.
8. Ur GF/wife's name is Sayyoni. Well, "I LOVE U SAYYONI...."
9. UNITED WE STAND AGAINST HIMESH: Use them as a riot-control measure. When the fighting groups find a common enemy (Himesh songs), they will stop fighting, join hands and that should bring an end to Godhras and Babri Masjids.
10. You own a Bajaj Platina and you want ur ringtone to complement your bike.
11. The new-age Exorcist: Himesh songs can become the latest tool of your next door exorcist(Na na, your neighbour is not one, I was just using the phrase)...one songs, and good bye ghosts (After all, even they were Humans once).
12. D Cold Total ads : The punchline reads :"One dose will turn ur kid from Himesh to SP"
13. Use it in training sessions in IT companies.
Do Tarah ki hoti hai "JAVA"..............
Mar "JAVA" , Mit "JAVA"
14. Having early morning bowel-movement problems? The sure shot solution....HIMESH Songs!
(Ek bar aaja aaja, aaja aaja, aajaa...)