Thursday, February 09, 2006

On my marks...

Flashback circa Dec 2005. I was at home for my mid sem break (the last one at that). After the initial scrambling around for some exams, i was suddenly idle. Nothin' much to do. The usual boring stuff on TV, friends having exams, bollywood doling out its usual load of crap and no cricket happening. So I thought why not look around in the virtual world a bit.
Log on to orkut (ha wahi Büyükkökten wala)...

And then, it happened...

"PPS: Don't you blog? Blogosphere needs scribes like you! There's a whole buncha cr*p being written in rudimentary english by amateurs like me! C'mon! Captain Planet! Save the blog world!
1:56 AM11/28/2005"

Thus scrape SLNC (a junior of mine, and yeah he is a gultie).

This got me thinking. Hmm...Blogging? The idea of entering blog world had occured to me long back during the oh-so-famous animal fight ( bow-bow vs jungle boy), which was faught on the blogspot battlefield. Even our own polie and total jr had started their own blogs. Why not me! But then, I somehow got too involved in other things, and it never really materialised.

But now here i am, at last starting it off. This one full week of bunk, courtesy GATE 06 (oh yeah i am an engineer), got me so bored that i resort to blogging.
So just wait and watch where it goes...

1 comment:

Raghuram K Belur said...

hey happy blogging